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Jumat, 02 November 2007

Age Of Empires III Cheat

Fatten animals on map a recent study indicated that 100% of herdables are obese
10,000 coin give me liberty or give me coin
10,000 food medium rare please
10,000 wood
10,000 experience points nova & orion
Reveal your opponent's buildings and the map, not with line of sight x marks the spot
Win single player mission this is too hard
"Musketeer'ed!" when killed by Musketeers sooo good
100x gather/build rates speed always wins
Spawns Mediocre Bombard at Home City gather point ya gotta make do with what ya got
Spawn The Tommynator (big red monster truck) at Home City gather point tuck tuck tuck

Edit resources:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "proto.xml" file in the "data" directory in the game folder. Note: You may first need to uncheck the "Read Only" attribute of that file's properties in Windows Explorer. Search for the text "CrateOf". You will find CrateofFood, CrateofCoin, CrateofWood, CrateofFoodLarge, CrafteofCoinLarge, and CrateofWoodLarge. For all these entries, find the tag "InitialResourceCount" and change the count to whatever desired. For example, the normal crates each have "100.000" of the resources. You can change the "100" to "99999.000", etc. Make sure you do this for all the crates; sometimes a map will give you a large crate of something, and smaller ones of something else, etc. This works best because every map you play in campaign or skirmish starts you with some "crates" of resources, which your settlers will gather out. This will edit the crates to have huge amounts of resources in them. However, it still takes a long time to get the resources out of the crate for the settlers, because there are so many. If you are impatient, search for "Settler" in the "proto.xml" file and find the tag for GatherCrate. Change the value to whatever desired, preferably something very high (for example, "99999"). They will pull the resources out of the crate instantly.

Hint: God-like heroes:
This is similar to the "Edit resources" trick, except only your side benefits not the CPU as well. This trick will enable your hero character to move very fast on the map; have lots of hit points; destroy any enemy unit/building in one click; etc. Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "proto.xml" file in the "data" directory in the game folder. Search for your hero's first name plus "SPC". For example, for "Amelia", it is "SPCAmelia". You should find something that looks like the following:

The XML tags of interests are as follows:






Change the above values to create a super hero, as follows.






Note: Do not set the any of the , , or values too high. This will cause your character to "jump" instantly from one spot to the next because their movement speed is so fast. This makes it difficult to move/track your character around the map. The or rate of fire should be set to a low value. This acts as a delay. The lower the value, the lesser the delay. Note: You can test your changes while the game is running. Just save the current game. Switch over to your text editor. Make changes to proto.xml. Save proto.xml. Switch back to the game, then reload saved game.

Invincible units:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "proto.xml" file in the "data" directory in the game folder. Find a the heading for a unit in the file (for example, "Explorer"). Locate the area below the heading that starts with the tags. Add a new line under that area with:


Hint: Easy experience points:
To get easy experience for your home town, start a skirmish. Choose the sandbox difficulty setting and the smallest map. Win the game the fastest way possible. You will receive the usual experience, but can do this as many times as desired, resulting in lots of experience in a short amount of time. If desired, you also use the cheats to win the game easier.

To get easy experience for your home city, enable the tuck tuck tuck code. Get the truck to run over all your enemy's building. When they ask to resign, decline and finish them off completely. You should get about 1,000 to 5,000 experience points, depending on the size of their city or town.

Hint: Easy win:
Upgrade Hussars fully and make fifty of them, subtracting one for every other unit you want to take. They are skilled at siege and combat and should annihilate your opponent. Only do this if you do not want to use many cheats. It is a good idea to enable the speed always wins code, as fifty Hussars can take a long time to be created.

At the beginning of Skirmish mode, enable the tuck tuck tuck code. You will get a red monster truck by your Town Center. Use it to run over all your enemies and win. Note: The monster truck has no attack of its own. You must make it run over enemies.

Hint: Easy cavalry:
The Lakota have a research which lets you make cavalry either instantly or very fast. This useful if you play the French because you can make a huge army of cuirassiers very quickly.

Hint: Revealing the entire map:
Save your game and resign. The map will be shown to you as if you had lost. Then, just load the game and keep playing. Note that the map will be shown only between clicking to resign and choosing to quit. It will not continue like this when you start the loaded game.

Hint: Leveling up your home city:
To easily level up your home city, start playing a Skirmish mode game. The moment the game starts, enable the nova & orion code two or three times. Then, press the "Home City" button. The amount of XP in the top of the screen should be red. If this happens, just resign or finish playing the game.

Hint: Placing objects close together in the editor:
If you are having trouble placing two items close together because the editor will not allow it, press "Move Object" and move the object to where ever desired. You can do anything, such as putting a building in the water.

Hint: Creating a large army in the editor:
To make a huge army quickly in the scenario editor, first create a group of units. Select them and press [Ctrl] + C. Then, press [Ctrl] + V and you will be able to place all of the selected units. This also can be done when making city blocks.

Hint: Skip opening credits:
Press [Space] to skip the opening credits and display the main menu.

mungkin cuma segitu aja kalo ada yang punya cheat lebih banyak tolong diberi tahu

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